It is crucial to take the revocation or denial of a security clearance seriously, as it can lead to the loss of employment. There are specific deadlines for submitting relevant information and requesting hearings and appeals. Failure to respond appropriately to the Statement of Reasons, Notice of Determination, or Notice of Intent can put an individual's security clearance and job at risk.

Each agency assesses the suitability of applicants for a security clearance based on the National Security Adjudicative Guidelines in SEAD 4. Our team has helped numerous federal employees, military personnel, and federal contractors across the country. We offer various levels of representation before all federal agencies listed below:

• Central Intelligence Agency
• Defense Intelligence Agency
• Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals
• Department of Commerce
• Department of Defense
• Department of Energy
• Department of Health and Human Services
• Department of Homeland Security
• Department of the Interior
• Department of Justice
• Department of State
• Department of Transportation
• Department of Treasury
• National Security Agency
• Office of the Director of National Intelligence